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Category Archives: brain
Brain-mind-body training – in the blueberry forest
I am often asked for brain training tips. The most important thing to grasp is that the brain is not an isolated organ island above the neck. The physiological brain-body-mind connection is constantly in play. When well-rested I am vigilant … Continue reading
Emotion radar?
Augmented (AR) and virtual reality (VR) have found their way to everyday life. The idea that the future of humans in the AR and VR tech space includes multiple opportunities to enhance (augment) performance and provide new ways for experiencing … Continue reading
Posted in Artificial Intelligence, brain, cognition, communication, emotion, English, future, human, memory, society, technology, Virtual Reality
Tagged augmented reality, body sensing, brain, cognition, communication, emotion, eye, feelings, future, human, physiology, Technology, Virtual reality
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Grasping masked emotions
A tiny coronavirus rapidly spread around the world causing havoc to the health of many infected people. The virus-pandemic quickly put societies and world economy on their knees. Unprepared, humans faced the challenge of getting a grip on the coronavirus … Continue reading
Posted in brain, cognition, communication, covid-19, emotion, English, face, future, grasp, hand, human, mask, mouth, society, technology, virus-pandemic
Tagged brain, cognition, communication, covid-19, face, grasp, hand, mask, mouth, virus-pandemic
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Sleepless World – What biorhythmic tunes does the orchestra of clock genes play in your body?
Polar night season ended officially in the whole of Finland on January 18th. It was the period during which the sun stayed below the horizon in northern Lapland for nearly two months. Also, in southern Finland, as winter approached, the … Continue reading
Posted in brain, clock genes, cognition, Creativity, English, future, Health, human, Sleep, society, Work, Working culture
Tagged brain, circadian, clock genes, cognition, creativity, digital, global, health, information, internet, napping, sleep, telco, Work
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Eye-witness to 45 years of advances in medicine – the importance of a doctor’s clinical eye
This is a blog about a doctor’s back and forth mental jumps around past, present and future medicine and age-old truths that still make a difference. I have now had the opportunity to follow for 45 years first-hand the many … Continue reading
Posted in brain, cognition, communication, English, future, Health, human, Medicine, Research, Uncategorized, Virtual Reality
Tagged brain, care, Change, communication, digital, doctor, future, health, Medicine, patient, Technology
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Health Byte: Handling Hand in Mind
Get a grip! I can handle this. That child is a handful. Did you grasp my meaning? Let’s keep our fingers crossed that everything goes well. This is a hands-on job. This comes handy. I am groping in the dark … Continue reading
Posted in brain, cognition, English, hand, HealthBytes, human, Medicine
Tagged brain, cognition, hand, HealthByte, Medicine, mind
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The X-Factor in Mind – Brain Wirings and Behavior
As a part of 2017 International Women’s day celebrations at Nokia, I had the pleasure to talk at our Espoo Campus in Finland about brains, minds, women and men. The popular quote “Men are from Mars and Women from Venus” … Continue reading
Posted in brain, cognition, communication, Creativity, English, future, human, Research, science, society
Tagged behaviour, brain, communication, creativity, future, human, leadership, Technology
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